Original Research
Factors influencing the quality of patient data captured by nurses for the tuberculosis control programme in Oshakati District, Namibia
Submitted: 08 October 2011 | Published: 22 July 2013
About the author(s)
Linda V. Kagasi, Department of Health Studies, University of South Africa, South AfricaLindiwe Zungu, Department of Health Studies, University of South Africa, South Africa
Muhammad E. Hoque, Department of Public Health, University of Limpopo, South Africa
Effective tuberculosis control relies heavily upon the general health system of the country, particularly on well-functioning primary healthcare services. This study investigated factors influencing the quality of data for the tuberculosis control programme in Oshakati district in Namibia. A quantitative, contextual, cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted using 50 nursing personnel of different cadres who were sampled from five departments in Oshakati State Hospital. Data was collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire. Most participants reported that tuberculosis-related training improved correct recording and reporting amongst nursing personnel, which is a requirement for a quality tuberculosis control programme. The number of documents to be completed for each patient influences the quality of data recording and completeness. Factors such as the lack of resources and of adequate training as well as knowledge of tuberculosis control guidelines, in particular the use of records to capture the core tuberculosis indicators, influence the quality of data in the tuberculosis control programme. Knowledge, attitudes and practice are the main factors influencing the quality of data in the tuberculosis control programme in Oshakati district.
Die effektiewe beheer van tuberkulose steun grootliks op die algemene gesondheidstelsel van ’n land, veral op die goeie werkende primêre gesondheidsorgdienste. Die studie het faktore wat die gehalte van data vir die teringbeheerprogram in die Oshakati Distrik in Namibië ondersoek.’n Kwantitatiewe, kontekstuele, kruisseksionele, beskrywende opname was onderneem met ’n steekproef van 50 verpleegpersoneel van verskillende kadres uit vyf departemente in Oshakati Staatshospitaal. Data was deur middel van ’n selftoegediende vraelys ingewin. Die meeste deelnemers het genoem dat teringverwante opleiding die korrekte afneem en rapportering onder verpleegpersoneel verbeter het, wat ’n vereiste is vir ’n gehalte teringbeheerprogram. Die aantal dokumente wat vir elke pasiënt voltooi moet word, beïnvloed die gehalte van data-aantekening en volledigheid. ’n Tekort aan bronne en gepaste opleiding, en kennis van tering-beheerriglyne, veral die gebruik van teringrekords om die kern teringaanwysers op te neem, was ander belangrike faktore wat die gehalte van data in die teringbeheerprogram beïnvloed het. Kennis, houdings en praktyk is die vernaamste faktore wat die gehalte van data in die program in die Oshakati Distrik beïnvloed.
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Crossref Citations
1. Quality of perinatal data capture by nurses in Osun State, Nigeria
Abiola Komolafe, Omolola Irinoye, Victoria Hanson
African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health vol: 11 issue: 1 first page: 26 year: 2017
doi: 10.12968/ajmw.2017.11.1.26