Original Research

AIDS awareness and VCT behaviour: An application of the integrated model of behaviour prediction

Hilde Diteweg, Adinda van Oostwaard, Hugo Tempelman, Adri Vermeer, Melanie Appels, Marieke F. van der Schaaf, David J.F. Maree
Health SA Gesondheid | Vol 18, No 1 | a530 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v18i1.530 | © 2013 Hilde Diteweg, Adinda van Oostwaard, Hugo Tempelman, Adri Vermeer, Melanie Appels, Marieke F. van der Schaaf, David J.F. Maree | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 15 December 2009 | Published: 24 May 2013

About the author(s)

Hilde Diteweg, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University Utrecht, the, Netherlands
Adinda van Oostwaard, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University Utrecht, the, Netherlands
Hugo Tempelman, Ndlovu Care Group, Elandsdoorn, South Africa
Adri Vermeer, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University Utrecht, the, Netherlands
Melanie Appels, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University Utrecht., the, Netherlands
Marieke F. van der Schaaf, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University Utrecht, the, Netherlands
David J.F. Maree, Department of Psychology, University of Pretoria, South Africa


In order to limit the expansion of the HIV and AIDS epidemic in South Africa, it is important to develop targeted prevention strategies. The voluntary HIV counselling and testing (VCT) programme appears to be effective for preventing the spread of the HI virus. This study adapted guidelines of the integrated model of behaviour prediction (IMBP) into a questionnaire and examined the extent to which it predicts behaviour. A sample of 92 sports team members from Limpopo ranging from 14 to 30 years of age completed the questionnaire. Results suggested that beliefs about the outcomes of behaviour and beliefs about the expectations of others had a direct influence on the intention to undergo HIV counselling and testing. Efficacy beliefs, namely beliefs that there are factors that can facilitate behaviour, can lead to actual testing behaviour if accompanied by self-efficacy. Knowledge, intention and stigma are not related to VCT behaviour. Findings show that some constructs influence intention and test behaviour, but in ways not predicted by the model. Thus, the adequacy of the IMBP to determine HIV and AIDS-preventative behavioural intentions is questioned.

Dit is belangrik om doelgerigte voorkomende strategieë te ontwikkel om die verspreiding van MIV en VIGS in Suid Afrika te bekamp. Die vrywillige MIV-voorligtings- en toetsingsprogram (VVT) blyk effektief te wees om die verspreiding van die MI virus te stuit. In hierdie studie is ʼn vraelys ontwikkel wat op die geïntegreerde model van gedragsvoorspelling (GMG) gebaseer is. Die studie ondersoek die mate waarin die GMG gedrag kan voorspel. ʼn Steekproef van 92 sport spanlede van Limpopo tussen die ouderdomme van 14 tot 30 jaar, het die vraelys voltooi. Resultate toon dat oortuigings oor die uitkoms van gedrag en oortuigings oor die verwagtings van ander ‘n direkte invloed uitoefen op die intensie om VVT te ondergaan. Oortuigings dat daar faktore is wat gedrag kan fasiliteer het ‘n invloed op die intensie slegs as ʼn mens ook die gemak waarmee gedrag uitgevoer kan word insien. Kennis, intensie en stigma is nie verwant aan toetsgedrag nie. Die bevindinge toon dat sommige konstrukte wel intensie en toetsgedrag beïnvloed, maar nie op die manier wat die model voorstel nie. Resultate bevraagteken die vermoë van die GMG om MIV en VIGS- voorkomende gedragsintensies te bepaal.


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Crossref Citations

1. Advice dilemmas: Managing advice against the competing public health and counselling imperatives that shape VCT in South Africa
Heidi van Rooyen
African Journal of AIDS Research  vol: 12  issue: 4  first page: 211  year: 2013  
doi: 10.2989/16085906.2013.864984