Original Research

Patients with coronary artery disease – maintaining planned lifestyle adaptations

Karien Engelbrecht, Elzabé Nel, Wanda Jacobs
Health SA Gesondheid | Vol 13, No 4 | a405 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v13i4.405 | © 2008 Karien Engelbrecht, Elzabé Nel, Wanda Jacobs | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 09 December 2008 | Published: 09 December 2008

About the author(s)

Karien Engelbrecht, University of Johannesburg
Elzabé Nel, University of Johannesburg
Wanda Jacobs, University of Johannesburg

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The purpose of this study was to describe how patients with coronary artery disease, who have had one or more cardiac interventions, were maintaining their planned lifestyle adaptations at four months after the intervention. Furthermore, the study aimed to develop guidelines to further assist patients in maintaining lifestyle adaptations. A descriptive study was undertaken using the survey method. The population consisted of 65 participants (42 males, 23 females) from five private hospitals in Gauteng. The questions for a questionnaire were derived from a conceptual framework. The participants first completed the questionnaire immediately before they were discharged, and again over the telephone four months after the intervention. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data obtained. The results showed that patients suffering from coronary artery disease do adapt their lifestyle after interventions, but most patients find it problematic to stop smoking. It is essential for patients with coronary artery disease to maintain lifestyle adaptations to ensure further health and prevention of recurrence of the same problems. These adaptations should be a lifelong commitment.

Die doel van die studie was om te beskryf hoe pasiënte met koronêre vatsiektes wat een of meer kardiale prosedures ondergaan het, die beplande verandering aan hulle lewenstyl op vier maande na die prosedures handhaaf. Verder het die studie gepoog om riglyne daar te stel wat pasiënte kan help om lewenstylaanpassings vol te hou. ’n Opnamemetode is gebruik om ’n beskrywende studie uit te voer. Die populasie het uit 65 deelnemers (42 mans en 23 vroue) van vyf privaat hospitale in Gauteng bestaan. ’n Vraelys is vanuit ’n konseptuele raamwerk saamgestel. Die vraelys is net voor ontslag aan die deelnemers gegee om te voltooi, en weer telefonies vier maande na ontslag. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om die data te ontleed. Die resultate toon dat pasiënte wat aan koronêre vatsiektes ly wel hulle lewenstyl aanpas na ’n kardiale prosedure, hoewel die meeste dit problematies vind om op te hou rook. Dit is noodsaaklik vir pasiënte met koronêre vatsiektes om hulle lewenstylaanpassing vol te hou om sodoende te verseker dat hulle gesondheid gehandhaaf word en herhaling van dieselfde probleme voorkom word. Hierdie aanpassings moet ’n lewenslange verbintenis wees.


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