Original Research

Organisational culture of hospitals to predict turnover intentions of professional nurses

E Jacobs, G Roodt
Health SA Gesondheid | Vol 13, No 1 | a258 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v13i1.258 | © 2008 E Jacobs, G Roodt | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 12 November 2008 | Published: 12 November 2008

About the author(s)

E Jacobs, Sol Plaatjie Municipality, South Africa
G Roodt, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

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The objective of this study was to determine if organisational culture predicts turnover intentions of professional nurses. A predictive model with organisational culture and various proposed mediating variables, namely knowledge sharing, organisational commitment, organisational citisenship behaviour and job satisfaction, as well as various demographic variables was developed to determine turnover intentions through applying General Linear Modelling. A correlational design with questionnaires was used. A sample of professional nurses (N = 530) in private and provincial hospitals was obtained. The results indicate that organisational culture has a significantly negative correlation with turnover intentions. Organisational culture also interacted with job satisfaction, knowledge sharing, and the white professional nurses’ category to decrease turnover intentions and with Organisational Citisen Behaviours to increase turnover intentions in a final predictive model. It is therefore recommended that nursing employers seriously embark on strategies to improve the organisational culture to retain their talent.

Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal of organisasie-kultuur arbeidsomset-voornemens van professionele verpleegkundiges voorspel. ‘n Voorspellingsmodel met organisasiekultuur en verskeie voorgestelde tussenkomende veranderlikes, naamlik kennisdeling, organisasieverbintenis, organisasie-burgerskapsgedrag en werkstevredenheid, asook verskeie demografiese veranderlikes was ontwikkel deur Algemene Liniêre Modellering. ’n Korrelasie-ontwerp met behulp van vraelyste is gebruik. ‘n Steekproef van professionele verpleegkundiges (N = 530) in private en provinsiale hospitale is verkry. Die resultate toon dat organisasie-kultuur betekenisvol negatief korrelleer met arbeidsomsetvoornemens. Organisasiekultuur het ook in interaksie met werkstevredenheid en kennisdeling, asook die kategorie blanke verpleegkundiges in ‘n finale model arbeidsomsetvoornemens verlaag en saam met organisasieburgerskapsgedrag arbeidsom-setvoornemens verhoog. Daar word aanbeveel dat werkgewers oorweging skenk aan intervensies wat die organisasiekultuur gunstiger maak om personeel te behou.


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