
Editorial Comments/ Redaksionele Kommentaar

Christiaan B Brink
Health SA Gesondheid | Vol 12, No 2 | a244 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v12i2.244 | © 2007 Christiaan B Brink | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 12 November 2007 | Published: 12 November 2007

About the author(s)

Christiaan B Brink,, South Africa

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The current issue of Health SA Gesondheid will interest a wide audience of scientists and health professionals working in the areas of health care management, health care economics, policy making, nursing, psychology, sociology, ethics and education.

Hierdie uitgawe van Health SA Gesondheid sal ‘n wye gehoor van wetenskaplikes en professionele gesondheidswerkers, wat werksaam is in die velde van
gesondheidsorgbestuur, gesondheidsorgekonomie, beleidmaking, verpleegkunde, sielkunde, sosiologie en opvoedkunde, interesseer.

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