
Editorial Comments/ Redaksionele Kommentaar

Anita Pienaar
Health SA Gesondheid | Vol 11, No 2 | a217 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v11i2.217 | © 2006 Anita Pienaar | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 10 November 2006 | Published: 10 November 2006

About the author(s)

Anita Pienaar,, South Africa

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This edition of Health SA Gesondheid reflects strongly on two extremes on the health continuum with which South Africans struggle on a daily basis, namely the impact but also the possible prevention of HIV/AIDS and obesity.

In hierdie uitgawe van Health SA Gesondheid word daar onder meer gekyk na twee uiterstes waarmee Suid Afrikaners op die gesondheidskontinuum worstel, naamlik die gevolge, maar ook die moontlike bekamping van HIV/VIGS en obesiteit.

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