Original Research

The lived experiences of male on male rape: a review article

V Roos, W Katz
Health SA Gesondheid | Vol 8, No 4 | a145 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v8i4.145 | © 2003 V Roos, W Katz | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 05 November 2003 | Published: 05 November 2003

About the author(s)

V Roos, University of Pretoria, South Africa
W Katz,, South Africa

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The phenomenon of sexual assault upon males has been largely overlooked by society.

Seksuele geweld van mans teenoor mans is ‘n fenomeen wat grootliks deur die samelewing misken word.

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