Original Research

The attitudes of nurses towards HIV positive patients

Estelle Deetlefs, M Greeff, M P Koen
Health SA Gesondheid | Vol 8, No 2 | a123 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v8i2.123 | © 2003 Estelle Deetlefs, M Greeff, M P Koen | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 04 November 2003 | Published: 04 November 2003

About the author(s)

Estelle Deetlefs, QUALSA Healthcare Pty Ltd, South Africa
M Greeff, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
M P Koen, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa

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AIDS is increasing in South Africa at an alarming rate. Registered nurses consequently have more frequent contact with HIV positive patients.

VIGS neem drasties toe in Suid-Afrika. Geregistreerde verpleegkundiges het gevolglik meer gereelde kontak met MIV-positiewe pasiënte.

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Crossref Citations

1. Disclosure of HIV Status: Experiences and Perceptions of Persons Living With HIV/AIDS and Nurses Involved in Their Care in Africa
Minrie Greeff, Rene Phetlhu, Lucia N. Makoae, Priscilla S. Dlamini, William L. Holzemer, Joanne R. Naidoo, Thecla W. Kohi, Leana R. Uys, Maureen L. Chirwa
Qualitative Health Research  vol: 18  issue: 3  first page: 311  year: 2008  
doi: 10.1177/1049732307311118