Original Research
Illness cognitions, doctor-patient communication and prescription adherence among first diagnosed hypertensive patients from a rural teaching hospital in South Africa
Health SA Gesondheid | Vol 8, No 1 | a115 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v8i1.115
| © 2003 K Peltzer, L B Khoza, M E Lekhuleni, M Alberts, J Mekwa, E Sethosa
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 03 November 2003 | Published: 04 November 2003
Submitted: 03 November 2003 | Published: 04 November 2003
About the author(s)
K Peltzer, University of the North, South AfricaL B Khoza,, South Africa
M E Lekhuleni, University of the North, South Africa
M Alberts, University of the North, South Africa
J Mekwa, University of the North, South Africa
E Sethosa, University of the North, South Africa
Full Text:
PDF (58KB)Abstract
This study examines the relationship between illness cognitions, doctor-patient communication and the use of prescribed medication among patients first diagnosed with hypertension in the outpatient department of a rural South African teaching hospital.
Hierdie studie ondersoek die verwantskap tussen siekte-kognisies, dokter-pasiënt kommunikasie en die gebruik van voorskrifmedisyne onder pasiënte wat die eerste keer met hipertensie gediagnoseer is, in die buitepasiëntafdeling van ‘n landelike Suid-Afrikaanse opleidingshospitaal.
*Please note: This is a reduced version of the abstract. Please refer to PDF for full text.
Hierdie studie ondersoek die verwantskap tussen siekte-kognisies, dokter-pasiënt kommunikasie en die gebruik van voorskrifmedisyne onder pasiënte wat die eerste keer met hipertensie gediagnoseer is, in die buitepasiëntafdeling van ‘n landelike Suid-Afrikaanse opleidingshospitaal.
*Please note: This is a reduced version of the abstract. Please refer to PDF for full text.
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