Original Research

The effectiveness of the auditory steady state response in diagnosing hearing loss in infants

De Wet Swanepoel, Dunay Schmulian, René Hugo
Health SA Gesondheid | Vol 7, No 4 | a103 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v7i4.103 | © 2002 De Wet Swanepoel, Dunay Schmulian, René Hugo | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 03 November 2002 | Published: 03 November 2002

About the author(s)

De Wet Swanepoel, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Dunay Schmulian, University of Pretoria, South Africa
René Hugo, University of Pretoria, South Africa

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This paper aims to provide a review of the emerging Auditory Steady State Response in light of existing procedures for diagnosis of hearing loss in infants.

Hierdie artikel poog om ‘n oorsig te verskaf van die opkomende Ouditief Standhoudende Respons teenoor huidige prosedures wat gebruik word om gehoorverlies in babas en jong kinders te diagnoseer.

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Crossref Citations

1. Narrative review of EHDI in South Africa
Selvarani Moodley, Claudine Storbeck
South African Journal of Communication Disorders  vol: 62  issue: 1  year: 2015  
doi: 10.4102/sajcd.v62i1.126