Original Research

Emotional support for adolescents who opted for termination of pregnancy

Antoinette Gmeiner, Sandra van Wyk, Winnie Seipati Mpshe
Health SA Gesondheid | Vol 7, No 4 | a100 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v7i4.100 | © 2002 Antoinette Gmeiner, Sandra van Wyk, Winnie Seipati Mpshe | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 03 November 2002 | Published: 03 November 2002

About the author(s)

Antoinette Gmeiner, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
Sandra van Wyk, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
Winnie Seipati Mpshe, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa

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The “Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act” (CTOP) (No. 92 of 1996), is viewed by most women as a means by which their wishes and expectations will be realised for the first time (Orr, 1995:140).

Die “Wet op Keuse van Terminasie van Swangerskap” (No. 92 van 1996) word deur meeste vroue gesien as ’n manier waarop daar vir die eerste keer in hul wense en verwagtinge voldoen word (Orr, 1995).

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Crossref Citations

1. Reasons for Abortion: Religion, Religiosity/Spirituality and Attitudes of Male Secondary School Youth in South Africa
Lebohang Selebalo-Bereng, Cynthia Joan Patel
Journal of Religion and Health  vol: 58  issue: 6  first page: 2298  year: 2019  
doi: 10.1007/s10943-017-0547-1